| Name | Description |
| AcceptActionItem | Overloaded. Accept the specified ActionItem from the queue in which it is currently dispatched. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AcceptOpportunity | Overloaded. Accept the specified Opportunity from the queue in which it is currently dispatched. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AcceptQuote | Overloaded. Accept the specified Quote from the queue in which it is currently dispatched. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AssignActionItem | Overloaded. Assign the ActionItem to a new user. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AssignLead | Overloaded. Assign the Lead to a new user. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AssignOpportunity | Overloaded. Assign the Opportunity to a new user. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AssignQuote | Overloaded. Assign the Quote to a new user. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ChangeActionItemCondition | Overloaded. Used to change the condition and (optionally) a status for the specified Action Item. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ChangeActionItemStatus | Overloaded. Cause the specified Action Item to have its status changed. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ChangeOpportunityStage | Overloaded. (Inherited from FChoice.Toolkits.Clarify.Sales.SalesToolkitBase) |
| ChangeOpportunityStatus | Overloaded. Cause the specified Opportunity to have its status changed. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ChangeQuoteStatus | Overloaded. Cause the specified Quote to have its status changed. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CloseOpportunity | Overloaded. Closes the Opportunity. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CreateActionItem | Overloaded. Creates a new Action Item. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CreateLead | Overloaded. Used to create a new Lead. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CreateOpportunity | Overloaded. Used to create a new Opportunity. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CreateQuote | Overloaded. Used to create a new Quote. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CreateQuoteLineItem | Overloaded. Used to create a Quote/Contract line item. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| DispatchActionItem | Overloaded. Dispatch the ActionItem to the specified queue. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| DispatchOpportunity | Overloaded. Dispatch the Opportunity to the specified queue. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| DispatchQuote | Overloaded. Dispatch the Quote to the specified queue. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ForwardActionItem | Overloaded. Reject-forward the ActionItem from one queue to another. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ForwardOpportunity | Overloaded. Reject-forward the Opportunity from one queue to another. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ForwardQuote | Overloaded. Reject-forward the Quote from one queue to another. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogLeadNote | Overloaded. Log a note for a Lead. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogLeadPhone | Overloaded. Log a phone call for a Lead. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| MoveActionItem | Overloaded. Move the ActionItem from one WipBin to another WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| MoveOpportunity | Overloaded. Move the Opportunity from one WipBin to another WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| MoveQuote | Overloaded. Move the Quote from one WipBin to another WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| RejectActionItem | Overloaded. Reject the ActionItem from the queue in which it currently resides, and return it to the owner. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| RejectOpportunity | Overloaded. Reject the Opportunity from the queue in which it currently resides, and return it to the owner. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| RejectQuote | Overloaded. Reject the Quote from the queue in which it currently resides, and return it to the owner. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ReopenOpportunity | Overloaded. Causes the specified Opportunity to be reopened. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| UpdateActionItem | Overloaded. Update an existing Action Item. This overload takes a setup object. |
| UpdateLead | Overloaded. Used to update a Lead. This overload takes a setup object. |
| UpdateOpportunity | Overloaded. Update an Opportunity. This overload takes a setup object. |
| YankActionItem | Overloaded. Yank the ActionItem from its current location to a new owner's WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| YankOpportunity | Overloaded. Yank the Opportunity from its current location to a new owner's WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| YankQuote | Overloaded. Yank the Quote from its current location to a new owner's WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |