ClarifyApplication is the starting point for using FCFL.NET against a Clarify database system.
Public Class ClarifyApplication Inherits FChoice.Foundation.FCApplication Implements IClarifyApplication
public class ClarifyApplication : FChoice.Foundation.FCApplication, IClarifyApplication
Initialize connects ClarifyApplication to the Clarify database and loads the cache and data object hierarchy.
Once the application is initialized, you can access cache data like the SchemaCache, ConfigItemCache, LocaleCache, ListCache, and StringCache, or you can create session using CreateSession and access the managed data access functionality using ClarifyGeneric.
Namespace: FChoice.Foundation.Clarify
Platforms: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and 2008 family
Assembly: fcSDK (in C:\dovetail\dovetail-sdk\build\Release\fcSDK.dll)