Log(LogLevel,Exception,String,Object[]) Method
The level at which to write this entry (if configured).
The exception that is related to this entry. The details of the exception will be written to the configured appender(s).
A format string with replacement parameters that will be replaced by the args parameters.
Arguments to use in replacing variables in the format string.
Writes a log entry with the specified level (if logging for that level is enabled) with details about an exception that was caught.
Public Overloads Sub Log( _
ByVal _level_ As LogLevel, _
ByVal _ex_ As Exception, _
ByVal _format_ As String, _
ByVal ParamArray _args_() As Object _
public void Log(
LogLevel _level_,
Exception _ex_,
string _format_,
params object[] _args_
The level at which to write this entry (if configured).
The exception that is related to this entry. The details of the exception will be written to the configured appender(s).
A format string with replacement parameters that will be replaced by the args parameters.
Arguments to use in replacing variables in the format string.
For details of how string formatting works, please see the details of the String.Format method.
Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server family