Integer Fields as References

To use an integer field to specify a reference to an object, which is only needed occasionally, use this form:

<field> = REFERENCE <object name>;

The referenced object must be a part of the import stream. The <object name> value is the object header name of the referenced object (see the Header section). During an insert or update, the objid of the referenced object will be stored in the specified field. This cannot be achieved with Dataex; however, ArchiveManager can assign objids of other import stream objects directly to integer fields.

For example, to create a new site_part object, the objid of the related site must be placed in both a relation and the dir_site_objid field of the site_part object. If the object name of the related site is Site_FC, the applicable <field> definition on the site_part object could be the following:

dir_site_objid = REFERENCE "Site_FC";

See Also


String Values

Default and Null Values

Date Values

Binary Values

Integer Fields as Table IDs


Integer Fields as Table IDs

Integer Fields as References