| Name | Description |
| AcceptCase | Overloaded. Accept the specified Case from the queue in which it is currently dispatched. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AcceptSubcase | Overloaded. Accept the specified Subcase from the queue in which it is currently dispatched. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AppendHistoryToCase | Overloaded. Append |
| AppendHistoryToSubCase | Overloaded. Append text to a Subcase and Case's history. |
| AssignCase | Overloaded. Assign the Case to a new user. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| AssignSubcase | Overloaded. Assign the Subcase to a new user. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ChangeCaseContact | Overloaded. Changes the contact for a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ChangeCaseSite | Overloaded. Changes the Site of a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ChangeCaseStatus | Overloaded. Changes the status of a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ChangeSubcaseStatus | Overloaded. Changes the status of a Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CloseCase | Overloaded. Closes the specified Case that is currently open. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CloseSubcase | Overloaded. Closes the specified Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CreateCase | Overloaded. Creates a new Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CreateCaseObjid | Overloaded. Creates a new Case by using know Objids of dependencies to keep from making additional database round trips to look up the Objids. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| CreateSubcase | Overloaded. Creates a new Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| DispatchCase | Overloaded. Dispatch the Case to the specified queue. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| DispatchSubcase | Overloaded. Dispatch the Subcase to the specified queue. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ForwardCase | Overloaded. Reject-forward the Case from one queue to another. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ForwardSubcase | Overloaded. Reject-forward the Subcase from one queue to another. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| FulfillCommitment | Overloaded. Fulfills a previously unfulfilled commitment. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| GetCaseTimeAndExpenses | Overloaded. Captures all the summed times (such as phone log time, billable and non-billable expense, etc) for a Case about to be closed. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| GetSubcaseTimeAndExpenses | Overloaded. Captures all the summed times (such as phone log time, billable and non-billable expense, etc) for a Subcase about to be closed. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| InitialResponse | Overloaded. Marks the initial response to a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogCaseCommitment | Overloaded. Creates a commitment against a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogCaseEmail | Overloaded. Creates an email log against a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogCaseEmailIn | Overloaded. Creates an email in log against a Case. |
| LogCaseInternalNote | Overloaded. |
| LogCaseInternalPhone | Overloaded. |
| LogCaseNote | Overloaded. Creates a note log against a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogCasePhone | Overloaded. Creates a phone log against a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogCaseResearch | Overloaded. Creates a research log against a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogSubcaseCommitment | Overloaded. Creates a commitment against a Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogSubcaseEmail | Overloaded. Creates an email log against a Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogSubCaseEmailIn | Overloaded. Creates an email in log against a Subcase. |
| LogSubcaseInternalNote | Overloaded. |
| LogSubcaseInternalPhone | Overloaded. |
| LogSubcaseNote | Overloaded. Creates a note log against a Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogSubcasePhone | Overloaded. Creates a phone log against a Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| LogSubcaseResearch | Overloaded. Creates a research log against a Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| MoveCase | Overloaded. Move the Case from one WipBin to another WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| MoveSubcase | Overloaded. Move the Subcase from one WipBin to another WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| RejectCase | Overloaded. Reject the Case from the queue in which it currently resides, and return it to the owner. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| RejectSubcase | Overloaded. Reject the Subcase from the queue in which it currently resides, and return it to the owner. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| RelateCaseToParentCase | Overloaded. Relates a Case to a specified parent Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ReopenCase | Overloaded. Reopens the specified Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| ReopenSubcase | Overloaded. Reopens the specified Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| UnrelateCaseFromParentCase | Overloaded. Unrelates the specified Case from the current parent Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| UpdateCase | Overloaded. Updates an existing Case. This overload takes a setup object. |
| UpdateCaseCommitment | Overloaded. Updates a commitment against a Case. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| UpdateSubcase | Overloaded. Updates an existing Subcase. This overload takes a setup object. |
| UpdateSubcaseCommitment | Overloaded. Updates a commitment against a Subcase. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| YankCase | Overloaded. Yank the Case from its current location to a new owner's WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |
| YankSubcase | Overloaded. Yank the Subcase from its current location to a new owner's WipBin. This overload takes a set of required parameters for the API. |