Rule Properties that traverse a MTM or OTM relation

There are differences in how Dovetail Rulemanager and Amdocs Rulemanager handle when a rule property traverses through a MTM (Many-To-Many) or OTM (One-To-Many) relation.

Rule Properties

A rule property typically resolved to one piece of data.

For example, consider a property that is the site name for a case. The path to resolve this would be case_reporter2site:site_name.

This would resolve to one piece of data, which is the site name.

If a rule property traverses a MTM or OTM, it's possible that the end result would be many pieces of data, not just one.

For example, a solution can be related to many change requests (bugs).

Given a property for a solution named "Related CR IDs", with a property path of probdesc2bug:id_number, this could resolve to multiple ID numbers.

There is a difference in how Clarify Rulemanager resolves these properties versus how Dovetail Rulemanager resolves these properties.

Amdocs/Clarify Rulemanager

If the rule property has a subtype of "Property", then Clarify Rulemanager will not properly resolve the property.

It will return [property name = ???]

The Rulemanager log will show the details of the evaluation:

Info Verbose 1968 0 Mapping 'Related CR IDs' to path… 'Related CR IDs' is a Property Name.

loc_dbg_print: Found string 'Relation '%s' in the relation path cannot be traversed.

Info Medium 1968 0 Property [Related CR IDs] evaluated to '[Related CR IDs=???]'

However, there is a workaround. Clarify Rulemanager can resolve a MTM if the rule property has a subtype of "Alias".

This is typically used for Business Rule Recipient Aliases, i.e. who to notify.

Changing the rule properties subtype to alias allows Clarify Rulemanager to properly resolve it as a single string, with each piece of data separated by a space.

If the solution was related to multiple CRs (23 and 24), then the result would be "23 24" (without the quotes).

The Rulemanager log will show the details of the evaluation:

Info Verbose 1968 0 Mapping 'Related CR IDs' to path… 'Related CR IDs' is a Alias Name.

Info Medium 1968 0 Property [Related CR IDs] evaluated to '21 23 '

As you can see, if its an Alias, it is properly evaluated.

This indicates that the property evaluation mechanism within Clarify Rulemanager is different depending on the subtype (alias or property). Unexpected, but true.

There is one small downside to this workaround - since your property is now defined as an alias, it will not show up in the list of variables on the Business Rule Message Form. And it will show up in the list of Business Rule Recipients on the Business Rule Actions form.

Dovetail Rulemanager

Dovetail Rulemanager simply creates a single string, with each piece of data separated by a space.

Given a property for a solution named "Related CR IDs", with a property path of probdesc2bug:id_number, this could resolve to multiple ID numbers.

If the solution was related to multiple CRs (23 and 24), then the result would be "23 24" (without the quotes).

This works the same whether it's a property or an alias.

Additional Information

Refer to for additional information on this topic.

See Also

Specific Differences

Action Calendars

Case Insensitive Property Names

Condition Evaluation

Email from Address

Process Manager

Email Attachments

focus:path:field notation in email templates


focus:path:field notation in email templates

Rule Properties that traverse a MTM or OTM relation