Install Guide

Review the Requirements

Install the Dovetail SDK

Dovetail SelfService is an SDK-based application.

If this is the first SDK-based application being installed in your environment, then you must configure your database to support SDK-based applications.

If you have already configured your database for SDK-based applications, then proceed to the next step.

Please see the Dovetail SDK documentation for complete details and instructions on installing and configuring the SDK.

Install Required license keys

Unzip the file

Apply Schema Changes

The schema changes to be applied are defined in the $dovetailSelfService\config\schema directory

You can change the Clarify schema with either Dovetail SchemaEditor or Clarify's DDEditor or ddcomp.

Prior to making schema changes, backup the current database.

To make these changes using Dovetail SchemaEditor:

Edit and Import Data Files

Edit the data files found in the $dovetailSelfService\source\config\dat directory:

To import the data files using Dovetail ArchiveManager (DIET) or dataex

Execute the following command:

<importTool> -user_name <user> -password <pass> -db_server <serv> -db_name <db> -imp <file>
<importTool> is the import tool, such as diet.exe or dataex.exe
<user> is the system administrator user
<pass> is the system administrator password
<serv> is the database server name
<db> is the database name
<file> is the name of the file to import. If the <file> is not in the current directory, specify the path to the directory it is in.

Dovetail Seeker Configuration

Dovetail Seeker is the search engine that powers the search capabilities of Dovetail SelfService. It is a required dependency of Dovetail SelfService. Follow the installation instructions provided with Dovetail Seeker.

From Seeker's baseline documentSpecifications.xml file, the following specifications should be used:

Application Configuration

Edit the $dovetailSelfService\app\appSettings.config file, setting the following configuration keys for your environment:

Key Default Comments
WebsiteSettings.PublicRootUrl http://localhost/selfservice/ The public facing rool url of the application
WebsiteSettings.IsPublicRootVirtual true Is this application installed as a virtual directory?
DovetailDatabaseSettings.Type mssql Your database type. Either mssql or oracle
Data Source=host.domain.local;Initial Catalog=mobilecl125;User Id=dovetailapp;Password=password Database connection string
60 This controls the internal Clarify Session object timeout, which makes things faster on every page load. After this time period, if the user is still authenticated, a new Clarify Session is automatically created, and the app works as expected. To control the authentication timeout period, edit the forms timeout setting in the web.config file.
sa A valid Clarify username used by the application. Additional Information
false When displaying case history, should subcase entries be included as well
AttachmentSettings.FilePath c:\DovetailCRM\attach Root directory for storage of file attachments
AttachmentSettings.AttachmentMode ModeB Specifies which sub-folder mode should be used when saving file attachments. Additional Information
AttachmentSettings.ExcludeExtensions ade,adp,app,asp, aspx,bas,bat,chm, class,cmd,com,cpl, crt,dll,exe,fxp, hlp,hta,ins,isp, js,jse,lnk,mda, mdb,mde,mdt,mdw, mdz,msc,msi,msp, mst,ops,pcd,pif, prf,prg,reg,scf, scr,sct,shb,shs, url,vb,vbe,vbs, wsc,wsf,wsh Comma separated list of file extensions that are not allowed to be uploaded
SearchSettings.SearchServiceUrl http://localhost/seeker URL for Dovetail Seeker
Comma separated list of search domains that should be excluded from the general search page.
SelfServiceSettings.SearchPageSize 20 Number of search results to show per page
WEB_DISPATCH Auto-destination operation used when auto-routing cases when they are created or re-opened. Additional Information
true Should activity entries include the "Performed By Contact" details? This is useful when using the Clarify Client.
true Is there a minimum password length?
PasswordSettings.MinimumPasswordLength 6 Minimum password length
false Disallow the password from containing the username
false Require a special character (!@#$%^&*(){}[].-\/) in the password
false Require upper and lowercase letters in the passsword
false Require a number in the password
false Require a letter in the password
List of values A comma separated list of file extensions. Files with one of these file extensions are blocked from being uploaded as a file attachment.
1 ID Number of the Solution used for the Case Severity Help content
1 ID Number of the Solution used for the Request Access - Success content
3 Number of cases to be displayed in the Home page case listing
2 ID Number of the Solution used for the Home page content
Selfservice Menus The name of the user-defined list used for building dynamic menus
1007 Event ID used when calculating time bomb flags for Change Severity activity
7.0 When action items are created the due date will be set by adding this value of days to the creation time
Feedback Type of Action Item to be used for Feedback
Register Type of Action Item to be used for Register / Request Access
true Enable/disable solution commenting in the application
true Enable/disable feedback functionality in the application
Amazon S3 Settings

These settings apply when using Dovetail Agent 5.x (or higher), and images are stored on Amazon S3.

Key Default Comments
S3Settings.AWSId Your Amazon Access Key ID.
S3Settings.AWSSecret Your Amazon Secret Access Key.
S3Settings.Bucket S3 bucket where files are stored.

Logging Configuration

Dovetail SelfService uses the Log4net logging library. Logging is configured within the $dovetailSelfService\app\selfservice.log4net file. The default logging settings are probably fine to start. The log4net website has more details on specific log4net configuration.

32-bit server setup

Contact authentication for web users is platform dependent and contained in fc_crypt2.dll. There are two versions of this file included with the application. The correct version needs to be in the application's bin directory.

If the app is running on a 64-bit server, there is nothing to do here. The app as shipped is designed to work on a 64-bit platform.

If the app is running on a 32-bit server:

Web Server Configuration

Configure the IIS web server to support Dovetail SelfService:

Note: The following assumes IIS version 7.5 on Microsoft Windows 7. Your system may vary slightly.

Open the Internet Information Services Manager

Create a new application pool

Create a web application

The following steps are to setup the SelfService application as a virtual directory, such as

You may also setup the application as a top level web application, such as This advanced configuration requires properly configuring the IP address, ports, and bindings. For this type of configuration, the Microsoft TechNet site provides useful information. Or you may also contact Dovetail Support for assistance.

Web Configuration

Edit the $dovetailSelfService\app\web.config file, setting the following configuration keys for your environment:

Key Default Comments
maxRequestLength 10241 Maximum size of data (in KB) to be uploaded. Useful for setting file upload size limits. Additional Information
maxAllowedContentLength 10485760 Maximum size of data (in bytes) to be uploaded. Useful for setting file upload size limits. Additional Information
timeout 21600 Specifies the amount of time, in integer minutes, after which the authentication cookie expires.

If the web application was setup as a virtual directory (as opposed to a top level web application), then the httpErrors error paths should be edited to include the virtual directory name. If the virtual directory name is selfservice, then the paths should be edited to include /selfservice. For example:

<error path='/selfservice/content/403.html

Generate machine keys


Browse to the Dovetail SelfService application