Email Account Configuration
The DovetailCarrierService.exe.config file defines connection details about the email accounts which Dovetail Carrier will check for email. Both POP3 and IMAP protocols are supported. You may enter more than one email account.
Pop3 Email Accounts
The minimum required information for each POP3 account includes the host, username, and password.
Example of a POP3 account with only the required values:
<pop3Account host="hostname or ip" username="account user name" password="account password"/>
Example of a POP3 account with all values:
host="hostname or ip"
port="pop3 service port number"
username="account user name"
password="account password"
timeoutinseconds="number of seconds to wait before timing out failed conversations with the email server"
usesecureconnection="true|false (default is false) should the connection use TLS/SSL"
authenticationmode="Automatic (default)|ClearText|CramMD5|NTLM|ClearText"
sslmode="Manual|OnConnect|StartTls (default)|StartTlsIfSupported"
Pop3 Account Configuration Reference
Attribute | Required? | Default | Description |
host | Yes | N/A | Hostname or IP address of POP3 email server |
username | Yes | N/A | Username for POP3 account |
password | Yes | N/A | Password for POP3 account |
port | No | 110 | POP3 service port number |
timeoutinseconds | No | 30 | Number of seconds to wait before timing out a failed conversation with the email server |
usesecureconnection | No | false | Specifies if the connection should use TLS/SSL |
authenticationmode | No | Automatic | Specifies the type of authentication used when logging into the POP3 server. Valid values are: Automatic, ClearText, CramMD5, NTLM. |
sslmode | No | StartTls | Specifies the type of SSL handshake used to make secure connections. Valid values are : Manual, OnConnect, StartTls, StartTlsIfSupported Note: This setting only applies when the usesecureconnection setting is true. |
IMAP Email Accounts
The minimum required information for each IMAP account includes host, username, and password.
Example of a IMAP account with only the required values:
<imapAccount host="hostname or ip" username="account user name" password="account password"/>
Example of a IMAP account with all values:
host="hostname or ip"
port="IMAP service port number"
username="account user name"
password="account password"
timeoutinseconds="number of seconds to wait before timing out failed conversations with the email server"
usesecureconnection="true|false (default is false) should the connection use TLS/SSL"
authenticationmode="Automatic (default)|ClearText|CramMD5|NTLM|ClearText"
emailFolder="emailFolderName (default is INBOX)"
sslmode="Manual|OnConnect|StartTls (default)|StartTlsIfSupported"
IMAP Account Configuration Reference
Attribute | Required? | Default | Description |
host | Yes | N/A | Hostname or IP address of IMAP email server |
username | Yes | N/A | Username for IMAP account |
password | Yes | N/A | Password for IMAP account |
port | No | 143 | IMAP service port number |
timeoutinseconds | No | 30 | Number of seconds to wait before timing out a failed conversation with the email server |
usesecureconnection | No | false | Specifies if the connection should use TLS/SSL |
authenticationmode | No | Automatic | Specifies the type of authentication used when logging into the IMAP server. Valid values are: Automatic, ClearText, CramMD5, NTLM. |
emailFolder | No | "INBOX" | Email folder from which you wish Dovetail Carrier to pull emails. |
sslmode | No | StartTls | Specifies the type of SSL handshake used to make secure connections. Valid values are : Manual, OnConnect, StartTls, StartTlsIfSupported Note: This setting only applies when the usesecureconnection setting is true. |
MsGraph Account Configuration Reference
Attribute | Required? | Description |
username | Yes | Username for the email account to be polled |
clientId | Yes | Azure application client ID |
clientSecret | Yes | Azure application client secret |
tenantId | Yes | Azure application tenant ID |